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10 Commandments to Prevent Drowsiness

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Drowsy driving is more dangerous than drunk driving and is a major cause of highway accidents.
  • Drowsy driving can lead to major accidents due to momentary lapses in concentration, especially during weekend long-distance trips, nighttime and early morning driving should be avoided.
  • Be careful in situations where you are likely to become drowsy, such as using a heater, commuting home, or returning from a trip, and it is best to avoid driving between 10 pm and 6 am.

1. Drowsy driving is more dangerous than drunk driving
In the morning after a night of drinking, driving can lead to drowsiness. While there are devices to measure blood alcohol content for drunk driving, there is no way to measure drowsiness, so it is up to the driver. Drunk driving can be avoided with a designated driver or by having a conscious mind, but drowsiness is more dangerous because it causes a moment of unconsciousness while driving, resulting in a 'driving without driving' state.

2. Drowsy driving is the number one cause of highway accidents
Analysis of traffic accidents on domestic highways shows that drowsy driving (21.4%) is the number one cause of accidents. People who sleep for 6-7 hours a day while driving on the highway are twice as likely to have an accident compared to those who sleep for 8 hours. Those who sleep for 5 hours or less are four times more likely to have an accident.

3. Momentary drowsiness, 100m of racing
Most traffic accidents caused by drowsy driving are caused by head-on collisions or crossing the centerline, leading to fatal accidents with at least one fatality. When you fall asleep for 2-3 seconds while driving, if you are driving at 100 km/h or more, you will be out of control for at least 100m, and 60m at 80 km/h, which is the distance you are out of control while driving in a semi-conscious state, resulting in a major traffic accident.

4. Even the strongest person can't keep their eyelids from closing
If you feel drowsy while driving, it is wise to give in rather than suppress it. As the saying goes, "Even the strongest person can't keep their eyelids from closing," take a nap for 10 minutes in a safe place. The first sign of drowsy driving is frequent yawning. You feel drowsy, your eyes are sore, you feel tired, and you are not able to concentrate on driving. You sometimes miss road signs or experience a few seconds of dozing, which is a sign of semi-consciousness. It is also important to remember that a significant number of drowsy drivers are not elderly people with weak stamina, but healthy drivers in their 20s and 30s.

5. Be careful of weekend driving
In a car, the driver is both the coach and the player in sports. From the moment you get behind the wheel, you must be fully alert to safe driving until you turn off the engine and get out of the car. Especially since the introduction of the five-day workweek, it is advisable to avoid night and early morning driving when driving long distances on weekends. If you have to drive during these times, you should take a break after driving for 2 hours, or take turns driving. The day before a long drive, the driver should avoid excessive drinking and overwork and get enough sleep.

6. The enemy of safe winter driving - drowsiness caused by the heater
The ideal temperature inside the car for avoiding drowsiness and safe driving is 21°C to 23°C. The main cause of drowsy driving in winter is the temperature of the heater. In freezing weather, operating the heater on high heat can cause drowsiness while driving. The direction of the heater's air vents should be directed towards the windshield or floor, rather than your face. To maintain a comfortable temperature inside the car, it is advisable to set the temperature lever to the middle position between cold and hot air and increase the air flow slightly. Most drivers use the heater incorrectly by setting the temperature lever all the way up and adjusting the temperature with the air flow lever. It is also a good idea to open the windows every hour to ventilate the car with fresh air. Driving in a sealed vehicle naturally causes hypoxia, which leads to drowsiness and reduced concentration, resulting in drowsy driving.

7. Be careful of drowsy driving on your way home from work and your way back from your trip

Regardless of driving experience, when you are freed from stressful work and get closer to your destination, you may become relaxed and become more prone to using your mobile phone, smoking, watching TV, and feeling tired, which can easily lead to drowsiness and a major accident. On your way home from work, try to avoid roads with center lanes close to the lane 1, such as a highway. On two-way roads, drive away from the center line. On a four-lane road, try to use the right lane.

8. Drowsiness is contagious
On long journeys, it is common for passengers to sleep next to the driver, while the driver struggles with drowsiness and loneliness while driving. Especially for the passenger in the front seat, having light conversation can help the driver drive safely.

9. Avoid driving between 10 pm and 6 am!
As expected, accidents caused by drowsy driving are most common in the early morning hours. However, the time around 2 pm after lunch is the second most dangerous time. In particular, driving between 10 pm and 6 am is four times more likely to lead to drowsy driving than other times. At this time, your body normally requires sleep due to its natural rhythm, but if you drive excessively, you are more likely to have a traffic accident due to overwork. The human body is programmed with activity zones for each time of day based on a 24-hour cycle. This time period is particularly unsuitable for driving because body temperature and blood pressure drop.

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